Explore our Natural Ayurveda Herbal supplement for
Why our natural supplement Stone Cure?
GO for the natural cureOur supplement is mix of only 3 natural element, in-fact 1 of them is special salt commonly used for cooking while other 2 are plant fruit and mineral. It's ancient recipe, 5000 years old.
Say no to surgeryTry our natural supplement before taking a decision for surgery. If you can cure yourself naturally, why to bother about surgery. You can even take this herbal medicine as preventive care.
Support HealingOur herbal supplement break lining of stone from day 1 and within 3 day, will support healing. Normally, it's pass through urine so drink plenty of water to ease the process.
Here are results from ISO certified lab
about our natural supplement
CURE WITH PROTEINProbably, first natural kidney stone cure with 100gm dose that contain carbohydrates, protein and fat. Even, we were surprised with the findings.
ENERGY PACK CUREOur natural kidney stone cure supplement of 100g also come pack with around 400 kilo calories. Essential enough to keep you energetic.
SAFE TO CUREMost of herbal or natural supplement are not tested for bacteria and heavy metal but rest assured our supplement is all safe to consume. Free from Bacteria.